Accelerate Your Amazon Business Growth with Expert PPC and Account Management

Maximize your ROI with tailored Amazon PPC strategies and a full suite of Amazon management services.

Who Am I

With over 7 years of experience in Amazon PPC, Catalog Management, and Account Optimization, I help brands scale and achieve measurable results. My data-driven approach ensures that every penny you spend on advertising delivers maximum value. Whether you need assistance with launching new products, managing inventory, or optimizing ads, I've got you covered.
About Me

Amazon PPC Manager for 6-7 figure accounts

Global experience with US, UK, EU, and UAE marketplaces

Successfully scaled 40+ brands worldwide

Let’s Discuss Your Amazon Growth Strategy


PPC Management:

Tailored Amazon PPC campaigns designed to reduce ad spend waste while increasing sales and profitability. We provide full oversight of Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, and Sponsored Display ads

From listing optimization to inventory monitoring, we ensure your Amazon catalog runs smoothly, ensuring better visibility and higher sales.

Recover lost profits with our reimbursement and reconciliation services. We handle Amazon’s complex FBA process and get back every penny you’re owed.

We find the right products that match market trends, ensuring you stay ahead of the competition with profitable and in-demand products.

Never run out of stock. We handle your shipments, inventory tracking, and ensure your products arrive on time.

Get detailed insights into your business performance. We provide monthly reports on your ad spend, product performance, and returns, allowing you to make data-driven decisions.

See How I Can Help You Thrive on Amazon

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